Looking for Shikakai Shampoo instead of Shikakai Powder?
Harshvin Personal Care Products gives you the shikakai shampoo...
Harshini shikakai shampoo is enriched with traditional and rich herbs. The shikakai and tea tree oil is the main ingredients that help in cleansing hair and cure other scalp issues. The shampoo will promote the growth of hair and eliminates dandruff from your scalp.
The combination of amla, reetha, and shikakai will not only strengthen your hair follicles but also promotes healthy hair. Shikakai is rich in Vitamin C which is an antioxidant nutrient. These antioxidants can help you to repair the damaged hair follicles and also protects you from further hair damages. Shikakai cannot lead to hair fall.
But "Too much of anything is good for nothing". Likewise, using too much of it can lead to hair fall.
Wet your hair and apply the shampoo to the hair. Gently massage for 5 minutes with your fingertips and move towards the tip of your hair. Wash your hair and dry. Shikakai is believed to be one of the best tonics for your hair!
It will definitely give you 99.9% results. Try our products which are 100% ayurvedic and have no side effects.
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